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tv   Your World With Neil Cavuto  FOX News  June 7, 2016 1:00pm-2:01pm PDT

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endorsed donald trump who has now unendorsed him. senator kirk has had a tough election fight ahead, that might be part of it. i'm shepard smith in new york. your world with neil cavuto is coming up next. what are they voters lining up for? the ap declared hillary clinton won the nomination hands down. is it any wonder bernie sanders is pounding the table he is not happy? welcome, everyone, i'm stuart varney in for newel cavuto, and this is your world. this headline appearing on the front page of the "new york times" early today citing an ap survey. it reads clinton hits nomination threshold defeating sanders, this before even one vote was cast in today's primaries, which still have hours to go. is that fair? the debate in a moment. first, to mike emanuel with the sanders campaign in santa
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monica, california. mike? >> the sanders campaign is clearly irritated, making the case those democratic superdelegates should not be counted until the convention in philadelphia. it is unfortunate that the media in a rush to judgment are ignoring the democratic national committee's clear statement that it is wrong to count the votes of superdelegates before they vote at the convention this summer. sanders has been campaigning non-stop in california. including a large rally last night in san francisco. he is clearly hope ing a victor in blue liberal california will help make the case he'd be the stronger candidate. he is accusing media outlets of suppressing voter turnout in six states by declaring hillary clinton the presumptive nominee. sanders says it's not time to concede. >> this is premature for any endorsement. it's up to the people to make that decision and it's clear, this is not me talking, it's the democratic national committee that says do not lump together
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pledged delegates, real delegates, with super delegates who may or may not change their minds. >> we are outside a polling location here in california. you get a sense if bernie sanders can pull off a win in california, there are enough supporters and staffers who would like to fight on. if he loses his assessment with his senior advisors in vermont may be less update. >> thanks, mike. with the declaration of the hillary win before today's votes are even cast, is bernie being treated fairly? sarah westwood says he is. sanders supporter disagrees. chuck to you first, it was a statement of fact that appeared on the front of the "new york times," the ap survey did show that hillary had won the nomination. why are you so angry? >> well, i think because you answered the question, my good friend they called the party elites to say what should we do when they had these people who
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yet had time to vote. today there will be 700 delegates chosen in california and new jersey alone. i think we should let the people vote and let the tallies come in and we'll figure it out the people actually vote not a survey of the party elites or elected officials or people that america is mad at anyway. >> would you agree that hillary did receive an assist from the media today? >> if the media was in the tank for hillary clinton they would have waited until tonight to call the race for her. this is not what the campaign wanted. they wanted to wait till tonight so she could run up the score with pledged delegates and then she would not need as many super delegates to clench the nomination. if anything this will spur sanders supporters in those states to come out why suppressing the complacent voters hillary clinton needed. that's why you don't see her taking a victory lap. you actually see her walking away from this and saying let's wait until the six states vote
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until we call the nomination. this is not how her campaign wanted this to play out. >> in order to win the nomination bernie sanders needs to convert literally hundreds of superdelegates to his camp. so far he's converted four i believe. how is he going to get another couple hundred? >> well, first of all, it seems like we're not going to win any awards for converting superdelegates. what the thought is here is that bernie has won four out of every five -- hillary has. in the suppdelegate word we're losing 12 to 1. if you have an elected official and voted for bernie sanders, we have an argument to say the people want bernie sanders. a lot of these people made up their minds before bernie got into the race. we want to have an open dialogue. we realize it's an uphill battle. people should be able to have their vote be counted before
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news agencies are out say who h say the presumptive nominee is. >> i've got to read you with what mr. trump has come up with. it's unfortunate his comments have been miscommunicated. he said he feels justified in questioning whether he's receiving a fair trial in trump university case. that's his response with so many republicans lining up against him in the judge issue. >> he has to respond. in fairness to him, he had an argument, which is -- >> he's not backing down. >> mostly, he may have more to say tonight. he said i'm justified -- the question is why he just didn't challenge him on the basis, the judge has been a member, he could say it's a group that's
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been against me. i worry about the political agenda. >> the message i'm picking up from the flash reports, the message trump is not backing down. >> it sounded like to me, we're doing nuancing on donald trump that's not easy. but i think there was a moment there -- there's a note of conciliatory in there. it's not a big one but a beginning. >> i want to move on to a different debate, which is hillary rodham clinton may be receiving a good assistance from president obama. he said he will campaign with her. he might endorse her as early as tomorrow. steve murphy, to you first, you think it would be good for hillary to have president obama campaigning with her? make your case, please. >> absolutely. first of all, he's an increasingly popular president. his approval rating is in the 50s right now. he's much stronger than any one of the candidates for president.
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if the republicans want to make the race about him, we certainly do welcome that. secondly, he's going to help unify the democratic party. third, it stands in stark contrast to the disunity on the republican side with the last two republican presidents refusing to even endorse donald trump. >> sabrina, what do you say? >> well, i actually agree exactly. i think it's not surprising considering how political this administration has been and how they have used their power to sort of squash their political enemies. it's not surprising, although it is untraditional, for a sitting president to go out on the campaign trail. it's important to keep in mind, when you look at people's views towards washington there's tremendous disapproval. what the president does well is campaign. he gives people hope. he does well out there. >> neither steve nor sabrina have mentioned the president's record on foreign policy and economy. i take it you do not think the president will be an asset to
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hillary. >> i think he's about to make a tragic mistake. historically, the two greatest factors in a race for president are first the economy and second the rating of the incumbent president. steve's right to talk about the fact that the president's rating has gone up, because he's been above the fray. the republicans haven't been pressing to congress. all the attention has been on these interparty fratricide going on for months, right. here's what happens. he's going to walk in here -- remember that the polls, all the polls that have asked this question probably of whether they want a third obama term, they want hillary clinton to continue the policy are 20 some points for change. he has to defend, he has to then now defend what is a very unpopular rating on foreign policy, the loss of jobs, all of that, and he is going to become more partisanized and drag his
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numbers down. >> what do you say? >> i'm not sure it matters what people say it's how they behave and how they're going to act in the voting booth after they see the president. one thing the president does well, i disagree with all of his policies, healthcare labor regulations and foreign policy he gives people a sense of hope. he has that charisma. at the time when we have an election that has been dirty and angry and brought out the worst in our political leadership i think it could be helpful to democrats. >> does it look good for hillary to rely on a, her husband on the campaign trail, and, b, the current president on the campaign trail? does it good look when she has to rely on these two presidents and former presidents? >> i don't think it's fair to her to say she'd be relying on anybody else. she's relying on her herself, her own experience. she'd be the most prepared
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president we've elected as democrats in generations. secondly, barack obama is going to help her coalesce the support of bernie sanders' supporters. that's going to help in the polling, that's going to help define this election as one where she's dominant and where trump is dragging himself down with what looks like just self-emulation. >> bernie sanders supporters and hillary supporters are at each other's throats as we speak. i'm afraid i'm out of time. everybody. let's get to wall street. important news there, stocks gaining some ground today. the dow crossed the 18,000 mark today. first time since late april. didn't have enough shall we say oomph to stay above it before the close. different story for oil, settling above 50 bucks a barrel for the first time in nearly 11 months. now, donald trump is taking heat from all sides over his remarks
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on the trump university judge. bret baier on the divided grand old party. how does trump unify this? and new jersey governor chris christie slamming the sanders and clinton campaigns for these attacks on trump supporters in california. meet the sheriff suggesting jailtime for him. and can you explain to me why you recommend synthetic over cedar? "super food"? is that a real thing? it's a great school, but is it the right the one for her? is this really any better than the one you got last year? if we consolidate suppliers what's the savings there? so should we go with the 467 horsepower? or is a 423 enough? good question. you ask a lot of good questions... i think we should move you into our new fund. ok. sure. but are you asking enough about how your wealth is managed?
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donald trump is now responding to criticism about his comments about the trump university judge. he has issued a statement, this is not a tweet. two points. trump says it is unfortunate that his comments are being misconstrued as an attack of
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people of mexican heritage. he does not intend to discuss the matter further. that's what he just said, the division in the republican party over his comments on the judge. bret baier at the bottom of the hour will have more on this. >> i think it's awful that bernie sanders and hillary clinton have sent their supporters there in order to commit violent acts. it's a terrible thing. >> new jersey's governor chris christie blasting bernie sanders and hillary clinton over those violate protests last week at a donald trump rally in san jose, california. as voters head to the polls today, will those protests backfire? trump supporter sheriff joe arpaio hopes so. he joins us now. what would you do with those protesters, sheriff? >> lock them up. if they're destroying government property, police vehicles, they go to jail. i don't know what -- i'm not going to blame the police department. maybe you have to look at the mayor or the politicians there.
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>> do you think that that worked in trump's favor? after all, they were violate against trump supporters. >> yeah, you know i'm an expert on demonstrations. they follow me for the last several years, sharpton with 8,000 going against me. just last week, they were demonstrating against me. this is freedom of speech. i don't think the public likes this. especially when you burn an american flag. made me very sad when i saw that occurred. actually, my birthday is june 14th, flag day, along with donald trump, so i'm going to send a message out on my birthday regarding the american flag. actually i'm going to feature newt gingrich in my problem too. i don't like what they're doing with the american flag. they're gang bangers, you're going to see more of this, everybody wants to join, use this as an excuse, also, to be
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rowdy and to do different types of crimes. but, you know, that's the way it is. i feel sorry for donald and i worry a little about him. i'm an elected delegate. i will be in cleveland watching his back. so i'm concerned as this type of action gets worse and worse. >> now, the mexican flag was prominently displayed at those violate protests in california. a lot of people riled up about that. what say you about the display of the mexican flag, which is free speech after all, what do you say about it? >> well, i'm not going to -- everybody has a right to put the flag -- i'm italian, maybe they ought to put an italian flag up there. i'm concerned about the u.s. flag. what they did. that's disgusting. sad. and it's gone too far. but, you know, what can you do if you have freedom of speech? >> can i ask you about what donald trump has just said
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about -- referring to his comments on the judge in the trump university case. for the benefit of our viewers joining us, mr. trump put out a statement saying his comments have been misconstrued as an attack of people of mexican heritage. he doesn't intend to discuss the matter any further. in other words he's clamping down on this. he's not reaching out the other side, the republican party, he's staying put on this. what do you make of that statement, sheriff? >> that's a tough one. you know the department of justice and the aclu have been suing me for years, i'm currently in federal court so i don't want to talk about my situation or even his. but let me tell you he's not slave to the teleprompter. he's a type of guy that speaks out, sometimes his words are twisted. i'm not going to get involved in his case. at least he has the guts to speak out and back up what he says. he may want to change here and there. we need a guy that is brave,
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that doesn't fall into these politics or the media. >> may i just -- can i just press this further, donald trump says he does not intend to discuss this matter further. do you think it will go away? >> you guys won't let it go away. yeah. last three days all i've been hearing about is the judge and trump. why do you drop it? i'm not talking about you, but the media keeps harping. they've got to find something about him, something and they keep picking on this comment. i'm not saying it's right or wrong, but leave it alone. let's go on to other things. talk about the demonstrations against him. nothing's done about it. >> sheriff joe arpaio, thanks for being with us today. thanks very much, sir. off the door and into a job. that's part of paul ryan's anti-poverty program. will it work? want to get high? meet the father telling his son
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house speaker paul ryan laying out a new republican plan to fight poverty. i want to take you through some of the key parts of the propo l proposal. rolling back federal regulations for technical education programs, colleges and universities. streamline federal funding for at risk youth and early childhood programs. letting businesses team up to offer joint 401(k) retirement plans. consolidating federal food assistance and housing programs. and increasing work requirements for welfare and food stamp recipients. i want to focus on that one.
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jehmu i'm start with you. in principle what is wrong with asking people to work for welfare in principle what's wrong? >> there's nothing wrong with it. i actually am thrilled to see speaker ryan actually change his rhetoric as he's talking about poverty. in the past we saw him really blaming and being -- close to being racist talking about poverty and poor people not wanting to go out and find jobs. bet, this is not a new agenda. when you look at the policy prescriptions. this is just a rebranding of an attempt on paul ryan's part and the republican party's part to gut federal safety net programs that have been gutted so drastically after the financial crisis. >> on that note, kate i want to ask you this. in 1965, 17% of the population was in poverty. in 2014 it was 14%.
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an improvement despite the expenditure of $11 trillion in that time frame. do you think the ryan plan is suitable? >> we've seen 50 years on the war on poverty fail. it's been a complete disaster and been detrimental to minority communities around the country for generations. paul ryan has a history of offering comprehensive plans to give power to the individual to pull themselves out of poverty rather than giving power to the federal government to keep them in poverty. and i think that he should be applauded for coming out with a comprehensive plan and moving forward with the congress he is now in charge of to implement the policies he's been speaking about. >> michael bonds, what say you? >> this is a great plan. 10% of americans are looking for meaningful work. it's na when you count the number of people who have given up, those who are living off the social
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safety net the number is probably closer to 20%. 30% of americans are on some form of food assistance, we can't continue giving away economic benefit without a request for productivity. we've got to make sure we reflect the fact that our national debt is our greatest national threat. and we have to make sure the programs are effective. and ultimately consolidating them is a way to make sure we can bloated federal government that's contributing to the stagnant economy. >> jehmu, come back in. i'm not sure you're in favor of this ryan plan. >> i'm not in favor of a plan that basically is saying trickle down economics works. this is new colors slapped on to the exact same program. >> it's a moral requirement that you work. you want help, work for it. now -- >> that's built into these programs already. but when you look at the fact
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that many of the training programs and even low paying jobs that are run stable are going to make it much harder for poor families to get out of the cycle of poverty. and simply rebranding what the republican party has been trying to force upon this country -- >> katie. >> voters have said no against it. it's not impressive. >> even if you're wary of paul ryan's plan we should not continue with the failure of the past 50 years of the quote, war on poverty that has done nothing to bring people out of poverty. paul ryan is talking about allowing people to go to different schools in their communities if their schools are failing. school choice. democrats for generations have kept poor minority students in resulting in a reciprocal generational struggle of not being able to get an education and they can't get the job we want. we're talking about paul ryan making sure the government doesn't punish families for saving for retirement.
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so later they're not a burden on the government or society or taking money from the federal government and taking from other people. this is about emboldling the individual and not the government. >> time is up, thank you very much. good debate. it's never going to end, is it? thanks very much. we're waiting to hear from donald trump, that will be at 9:00 tonight. fox will be taking his remarks live. he says he will not be talking about his comments on the trump university judge. but now we have a republican senator who just stripped his support for the presumptive nominee. bret baier is going to have a very busy night. he joins us live from california next. ed a group of young people when they thought they should start saving for retirement. then we asked some older people when they actually did start saving. this gap between when we should start saving and when we actually do is one of the reasons why too many of us aren't prepared for retirement.
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to homes than anyone else in the country. here, there, everywhere. united states postal service priority: you donald trump speaking in new york later tonight and he says he will not be addressing the criticism from his own party over the comments on the trump university judge. what will he say? we'll be back in 60 seconds. how about you? i taste - whaaaaaaaaaow. wha wha na na na na na na da ba da ba da ba daw! it's good. ♪ experience the thrill of the lexus gs f sport. because the ultimate expression of power, is control. this is the pursuit of perfection. what are you doing?
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sara, i love you, and... [phone rings] ah, it's my brother. keep going... sara, will you marry... [phone rings again] what do you want, todd???? [crowd cheering] keep it going!!!! if you sit on your phone, you butt-dial people. it's what you do. todd! if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. i know we just met like, two months ago... yes! [crowd cheering] [crowd cheering over phone] claiming a person can't do their job because of their race is a text want book definition of a racist comment. it's absolutely unacceptable. >> people are going to express their opinions, those are donald's opinions and he has the right to express them the same way anybody else has a right to express their views regarding how they're treated in the civil or criminal court in the country. >> house speaker paul ryan, new
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jersey governor chris christie. both support donald trump, both with very different takes on his comments against the judge in the trump university case. we will be covering trump's speech live at 9:00 p.m. eastern tonight in new york. that's where collin mcshane is right now. trump saying he'll not be talking about the judge issue anymore. what will he be talking about? >> we'll see tonight because he's already released a lengthy statement about that judge issue. and plenty of other people are talking about it. to your point about paul ryan and chris christie. we added their comments. jeff flake the republican from iowa who said from's comments could lead to a convention challenge of the presumptive nominee. and then senator mark kirk came out and said he cannot support trump for president. it followed what were, you played the strongest comments to date we've had from the speaker of the house calling the trump
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characterization of the judge absolutely unacceptable. now, ryan did say to be fair he thinks he would have a better chance of passing republican policies with trump as president than hillary clinton. as for this message from trump, this statement that came out to us in the last half an hour or so says the trump comments on the issue have been misconstrued. he said i do not feel that one's heritage makes them imcapable of being partial, but bases on the rulings i've received i feel justified in questioning whether i'm receiving a fair trial. taking trump's side was governor chris christie speaking as you heard earlier in new jersey. a number of other republicans, that's been the story of the day questioning mr. trump. tonight, as you said we're here north of the city. this is trump's golf course. we'll see if he adds to it. one thing i will say about the comments, it was a lengthy statement. he included stuart, some
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testimonials from trump university students who he says were more than satisfied that they got what they paid for from that university. back to you. >> all right. we hear you, thanks very much indeed. let's go straight to bret baier and hosting tonight's coverage starting tonight at 11:00 eastern. we've had long line of officials opposing donald trump, now we've got his statements saying this is it, that's the end of it i'm not going to discuss this any furter. does trump's statement moments ago settle this thing? >> well, they're hoping it does. he's saying that he was misconstrued and he doesn't want to talk about it and he's not going to talk about it anymore. the problem is republicans all day have been talking about it because they've been asked about it. and reporters are going to continue to ask about it because there is this wedge. you have some senators very aggressively saying it was the wrong thing to do, some house members, and some governors as
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well. you have mark kirk who is saying he can no longer support donald trump. kirk, by the way, is in his own senate reelection bid in illinois. that is a tough bid in which, obviously, president obama carried that state significantly. his home state adopted home state. so i think the trump campaign wants to move on. it's tough to see how they can move on with all of the fire storm we've seen today. >> now, this long line of republican people saying, no, i'm not going further with this with mr. trump. this seems to be the first major challenge to donald trump since he became the presumptive nominee some time ago. i don't recall a challenge to his authority and his leadership quite like this one before. am i right? >> you're right. and, listen, we've talked about before that controversial statements he's said before in the republican primary have never had an effect on him in
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the polls. we don't go if this is going to affect the polls directly. we do know this has affected his support among republicans. and it has brought forward this wedge that we're seeing today. whether it can be repaired quickly, we don't know. you have the jeff flakes of the world saying there will be a convention challenge where it opens up the door to that. that seems a little bit far fetched. donald trump is going to try to mend this. i will say one thing, stewart, he says it was misconstrued. he was asked about it numerous times, numerous ways and even asked if a muslim judge could potentially not be -- see that case fairly. he said it's possible. it is possible. so i'm not sure it's the end of it is my point. they want it to be the end of it. >> senator kirk has gone further. he says he will support hillary clinton -- i'm sorry. >> he won't support hillary clinton. >> i'm sorry i got that wrong. i do apologize. go, finish me off, please.
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>> he said he'll write in. that's what lindsey graham is saying, that he can't support donald trump and he'll write somebody in. he just doesn't know who it will be. again, i think there's a part of the republican party, and many of them are elected officials, who have a problem with donald trump period. but now they are expressing that problem. i just don't know and i don't think we know whether this has blown up enough to affect his support among people at home. >> the polls close in california at 8:00 local time, 11:00 eastern time. do you expect results fairly quickly or are you going to pull an all nighter? >> it could be a little bit late here because of the bernie sanders hillary clinton race that is very tight heading into this day. obviously, donald trump is going to walk away with it here in california. but i expect to be, you know -- we'll wait some time before making that call i bet here in
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california between the democrats. obviously, new jersey could really put hillary clinton officially over the top, even though she has been according to superdelegates pledging their support reached that democratic magic number. >> we'll be watching, thanks very much, sir, appreciate it. after yesterday's gaggle, growing pressure on hillary clinton today to hold a formal news conference. a supporter who says why bother? after this. i'm only in my 60's.
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(vo) on the trane test range, you learn what makes our heating and cooling systems so reliable. if there's a breaking point, we'll find it. it's hard to stop a trane. really hard. i thodid the ancestrydna toian. find out i'm only 16% italian. so i went onto ancestry, soon learned that one of our ancestors was eastern european. this is my ancestor who i didn't know about. time for hillary clinton to hold more news conferences. that is not me talking, that's "the washington post" in an opinion piece today. the paper citing the fact that clinton has not held a real news conference since last december. although it does point out she has held some short informal gaggles as we say like the one we saw yesterday. emily shire says hillary does not need to hold additional news
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conferences. al she is political editor of welcome to the program. >> thank you so much. >> she doesn't need to have a press conference? why not? >> well, i think it just press conferences aren't the best measure for how a candidate respects freedom of press. >> aren't we entitled to see her questioned by people who know what they're talking about? >> she has done many interviews. when donald trump holds news conferences, that's her main competition here tofore his press conferences are a circus. >> let's talk about hillary, has she been exposed to a nodule political reporter who knows what he or she is talking about and presses theica case? >> she's been vetted far more than bernie sanders. >> has she? she appeared before george stephanopoulos the other day. he was bill clinton's press secretary. he had given money to the clinton foundation, that's not
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exactly a pressing interview, is it? >> she has spoken to jake tap r tapper. she's submitted to questions. >> he didn't press the e-mail scandal. do you think she could go through the convention and not hold a formal news conference. >> yes. she has the delegates threshold. she's on the brink of becoming the presumptive nominee. i admit it raises concerns about transparency but the fact -- >> aren't we entitled to know? >> in terms of her winning her competition is seen as more untrustworthy. if shes wants to continue in this pattern she can. >> what will donald trump say if she's not pressed on the e-mail issue, if she's not pressed by someone who knows what they're talking about, donald trump will have a field day. >> donald trump hasn't submitted to that as well. a "new york times" cbs poll
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showed that only 32% of americans trust hillary clinton. which is abominable but 31% trust trump. he's got going to beat her by fighting trust issues. >> don't you think she could improve her trust issue rating by being open to the press to the media and answering questions fully and in an engaging fashion? >> this might be cynical. i don't think she needs to win. donald trump has gotten this far, both of them having terrible trust ratings. >> after the issue of principle, a presidential candidate, one of the two people who will be the next president of the united states of america, don't you think in principle they should be obliged to open up to the media for a formal press conference? >> i think clinton has. because i think it goes back to what press conferences, if we're holding a donald trump has done better with press conferences when he cherry picks who gets to come and mocks reporters and mocks any outlet that calls him out for lying or refuses to come on this wonderful network when he doesn't like the way he's
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treated by reporters. >> you keep turning it back to donald trump. >> if we're talking about -- i think we need to talk about both of candidates. >> is she afraid? >> she knows it's not her strong suit. >> she's afraid. >> yeah, she probably knows that this is not her strong suit and probably also knows she's got this locked up and she doesn't need it to win. >> okay. we'll leave it at that. i call this draw. or a tie. whichever you want. emily shire, thanks for joining us. coming up, this dad in florida driving home a lesson after catching his teenage son smoking pot. we'll deal with it. first, donald trump may be the presumptive gop nominee, that doesn't mean he's getting the terminator's support. how do i say this right? we'll be back. what's it like to be in good hands? man, it's like pure power at your finger tips. like the power to earn allstate reward points, every time i drive. ...want my number? and cash back for driving safe. and the power to automatically find your car... i see you car!
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california republicans heading to the polls and at least one republican voter is not jumping on the trump train. arnold schwarzenegger casting his battle for john kasich. you're close to arnold schwarzenegger. what explanation, why did he vote for john kasich? he's been >> i think he's always been completely strong. he supported john kasich throughout and continues to support him. as a great action hero, he knows that actions speak louder than words. >> you know kasich is not running, he is not going to be the nominee. so he deliberately did not vote for donald trump. that's the question i'm asking. why not? >> if he had decided not to vote for trump purely he just could have stayed at home and let it be known he didn't go to the polls. but he went out and made an affirmative vote for john kasich. somebody who he genuinely
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believes is bipartisan. >> this is about being against donald trump. why is he against donald trump? >> i think you may need to look no further than the tweet he put out yesterday about judge curiel who arnold schwarzenegger appointed to the bench. he put out a tweet saying that judge curiel is an american hero. and to him, because they were judges, their race, that i political party didn't matter at all. he just wanted who was the best. he came out without mentioning the name of donald trump. he concentrated on judge curiel as an american hero. >> without a statement for donald trump 20 minutes ago. he said his statements about the judge were misconstrued as an attack on people of mexican heritage. that's point number one. point number two, he does not intend to discuss this matter any further. >> he can try that, can't any we're going to ask him about it the fact is his statements were
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not misconstrued. he was quoted imnumb rabble times. he said the same thing about muslim judges and mexican judges and a video has come out about him saying this about judge curiel as far back as february. >> think it's an affirmative vote for an incredibly good judge from one of america's most famous immigrant. who represent as different side of the republican party. i wouldn't be so sure about that nomination. we heard jeff flake today saying there could be a challenge on the convention floor. at@this point, it's all up in the air. i wouldn't be surprised to see paul ryan make a move. >> that's another story. do you think governor schwarzenegger has any sway over republican voters? any longer? any sway at all? >> yes. and i think it's absolutely amazing that a guy who managed to get elected twice, in a an incredibly democratic state like
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california, who can broadly appeal to both sides of the fence, is rebuking donald trump. >> we've got you on the screen working out with arnold schwarzenegger. >> that's right. absolutely. before he would even talk to me about politics, i had to prove myself in the gym. he doesn't take those lightly. >> you have an inside track with the governor. >> as i said at the beginning, i have the honor to know the governor and i don't in any sense speak for him. but i think his sfweets twooets for judge curiel and his votes for john kasich speak for themselves. thank you. did you see this, a dad posting this ad to sell his son's soouv. and explaining it's for smoking dope. the dad is next. why are you deleting these photos?
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real is touching a ray. amazing is moving like one. real is making new friends. amazing is getting this close. real is an animal rescue. amazing is over twenty-seven thousand of them. there is only one place where real and amazing live. seaworld. real. amazing this is tough love. one dad selling the suv he bought for his son to teach him a lesson. and announcing to the world it's because he was smoking dope and being disrespectful.
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that dad is allen geiger and he joins me now. allen, welcome to the program. >> thank you. >> now i think you got a pretty good response when you posted this. people were fairly ponce tiff about what you're doing, is that correct? >> that is very correct. >> you know you could be accused of rubbing it in, couldn't you? as i understand it, you wanted to sell that suv locally, so your son could see it being driven around by somebody else. i would call that rubbing it in. did you want to do that? >> a little bit, i did. i wanted him to see you know from my perspective, of things, of you know just try to get him to understand from my point of view, how much he means to me as a child. >> okay. did you smoke pot as a youngster? get into some trouble? >> i did. >> and how did you get out of that? >> my parents did kind of the same thing. technology wasn't with us today. that -- was back then.
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so i got my stuff taken away from me, but it wasn't to this extreme. >> now, what's your son's reaction? because i think the suv has been sold. it's gone. how is he reacting to this? >> at first he was really upset. but the next morning he woke up, we sat down and we talked about it. and he's been very supportive. sees trying to get on the right track. he's doing the right things now. and we're a week in, now, and he seems to be doing extremely well. >> he must have caught a lot of grief from his friends. >> actually, i told him he would probably lose friends. you know, and that the ones he needs to hang around will be the ones there to help him along. and his friend list went from 500 friends online, i think we're down to 48 friends now. >> who kept the money on the sale of the suv? >> actually the money was deposited into my account. it's sitting there waiting until
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he gets up his $1,000 and we'll go back out and purchase a vehicle together and make it a joint effort for him. >> so he's got to work, he's got to get $1,000 together and then you'll get him back into a car, that's it? >> that's correct. >> how long do you think it will take him to get up to $1,000? >> six to eight months. >> do you think it was a little severe on your part? >> i don't. i've been working with him for the past year, trying to explain to him the consequences of what's going on, with the world, the kind of trouble you can get in. i really wanted to him home with him. and he's 18. he's got the idea that i can do what i want. but when you live under my roof, it's my rules. >> that was the rule in my day. very well said. allan gieger, dad, thanks for joining us. get live results from today's big elections, along with live
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market reaction from around the world. fox business kicks off at 7:00 p.m. eastern, lou dobbs and trish regan takes from 9:00 p.m. until it's over. "the five" is next. hello, and happy election day once again. i'm kimberly guilfoyle, along with juan williams, eric bolling, megan mccain and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." six states are voting today on this final super tuesday of election 2016. california, new jersey, new mexico, north dakota, montana and south dakota. it's been an historic presidential primary season. and more history was made


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